JAITEK Technology & Training +34 91 787 39 60CONTACT

Skill Pics

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Program: Erasmus+

Action: Strategic Partnerships

Project reference: 2020-1-AT01-KA202-077956

Start date: 27/09/2020

Duration: 24 meses


1Berufsförderungsinstitut Burgenland. Austria.

2Future in Perspective Ltd. Ireland.


4Callidus ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih. Croatia.


6Rightchallenge – Associação. Portugal

7Skills Elevation FHB. Germany

8Jaitek Tecnología y Formación SL. Spain.

Website: http://skillpics.eu/es/


Due to the rapid technological changes taking place in the world today, digital natives are under extreme pressure to keep up with the times. The Skill-Pics project addresses the current global need to improve employee skills by developing a range of educational of employees by developing a range of educational materials to help them develop the key transversal skills needed to succeed in their career.

Skill-Pics aims to teach these skills to those who are in employment and looking to improve their competencies, or those looking to start their first job after completing formal education. Skill-Pics offers a range of learning materials aimed at young employees, in order to develop their work readiness and skills. So that they can increase their future career and employment opportunities.

Throughout the Skill-Pics project, partners will work with vocational tutors and train them to develop their own resources, which they can use to further encourage digital natives to develop their transversal skills.

The Skill-Pics project has eight organisations as a partnership, coming from different countries in Europe such as: Austria, Ireland, Czech Republic, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, Portugal and Germany.

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